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Network Widget



Selects which data is shown in the network widget.

The available options are: type, speed_up, speed_down, interface_speed, public_ip.

  • type: string (comma separated list)
  • default: type,speed_up,speed_down,interface_speed


Use the newer and more accurate speedtest tool from Ookla, instead of the old speedtest-cli for your speedtests. When passing this flag, you accept Ooklas: EULA, TERMS and PRIVACY.

  • type: boolean
  • default: false


If dash. detects the wrong gateway as your default interface, you can provide a name here that is used instead.

  • type: string
  • default: unset


You can provide a local file-path from where dash. should read its speed-test results. This is also useful, if you want to disable speed-tests, as you can just pass a maximum value for your network graphs and then disable the Speed (Up) and Speed (Down) labels in your network widget.

The file that is being read, should have the following format (you will need to remove the comments):

"unit": "byte", // can either be "bit" or "byte"
"speedDown": 150000000, // values need to be in the unit provided above
"speedUp": 50000000,
"publicIp": "" // optional

If you are running dash. using Docker, you will have to prepend your file path with /mnt/host

  • type: string
  • default: unset


Shows the upload and download speed in bytes (e.g. Megabytes per second) instead of bits (e.g. Megabit per second).

  • type: boolean
  • default: false
Network widget with speed in bits per secondNetwork widget with speed in bytes per second



At which interval the network speed-test should be rerun (in minutes).

  • type: number
  • default: 240 (every 4 hours)


At which interval the network speed-test should be rerun, passed as a cron string. This setting overrides DASHDOT_SPEED_TEST_INTERVAL if set.

Example: 0 0 * * * (every day at midnight)

  • type: string
  • default: unset


To adjust the relative size of the Network widget.

  • type: number
  • default: 6


To adjust the minimum width of the Network widget (in px).

  • type: number
  • default: 500


The amount of datapoints in each of the Network graphs.

  • type: number
  • default: 20


Read the Network load every x milliseconds.

  • type: number
  • default: 1000


You can use overrides to manually set statically gathered data. This is useful if you want to use dashdot on a VPS or a system where the data cannot be gathered automatically.


  • type: string
  • default: unset


Number needs to be passed in bit (e.g. 100000000 for 100 Mb/s, because it is 100 * 1000 * 1000)

  • type: number
  • default: unset


Number needs to be passed in bit (e.g. 100000000 for 100 Mb/s, because it is 100 * 1000 * 1000)

  • type: number
  • default: unset


Number needs to be passed in Megabit (e.g. 10000 for 10 GB/s, because it is 10 * 1000)

  • type: number
  • default: unset


  • type: string
  • default: unset